COVID-19 hasn’t licked us

I am the Business Owner of Accountable Options - Accountable Options

So we’re in Metro Melbourne and currently in lockdown under Stage 4 restrictions

Along with so many other small business operators, we are ‘working from home’

Setting up Accountable Options in our homes has highlighted the efficiencies of our business with technology

We already utilize cloud based software and technology in our daily operations at the office

Switching to home base has not slowed us down

We are still operating with our usual efficiency, managing to process and reconcile our clients transactions without interruption
Lodging the IAS, BAS, JobKeeper reports work just as well on our home browsers

For Accountable Options, the lockdown has been a realization that we can operate our business just as well

Even though we do miss the social contact of staff and clients

After all, nothing replaces a face to face meeting and friendly smile


I am the Business Owner of Accountable Options - Accountable Options